Today,June.30th we have special event for Nagoshinoharae in Kyoto.
It means clean up bad luck of Jan-June and invoke for fortune during July-Dec.
We went to Shine and pass though this big ring three times by traditional way.
After that we picked up one of this grass from this ring and bring it to our house for good luck.
We eat Japanese cake named Minatuki on today,too.
It put some small beans on the top of white triangle confection.
Minatuki is also a old name for June in Japanese.
We went to Shine and pass though this big ring three times by traditional way.
After that we picked up one of this grass from this ring and bring it to our house for good luck.
We eat Japanese cake named Minatuki on today,too.
It put some small beans on the top of white triangle confection.
Minatuki is also a old name for June in Japanese.